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A Family Farm Photo Shoot | Utah Family Photographer | Midway, Utah

Writer's picture: LisaLisa

Utah Family Photographer | Midway Utah

Extended Family Photo Shoot | Midway, Utah

Do you know a person that has made a huge impact in your life and doesn't even know it? Diane Ward is one of those people. When we were walking and on her family farm after this photo shoot, she mentioned that we were kindred spirits. I consider that a great honor. She just gets "it". And freely gives "it" away! There is no pretense, no guile, no fussiness. There's just Diane. Her wit and her wisdom has gotten me through some of the most rough and tumble times in my life. She always knows exactly the right thing to say at exactly the right time. She has also become my number one photography fan. I call her my photography groupie. She has sent me many clients and is always ready to help out my business in any way possible. For that I am so very grateful!

Diane lost her cute husband about five years ago and then along came Winn, much like a hurricane. Winn is an amazing person who would give you the shirt off his back then go in the house and bring you out another one. He too recently lost his sweet wife and then he found Diane. He also gets "it". They have become a power couple, taking on life with joy, love, hope, and generosity. I look up to them in so many ways. They have changed my perspective on the way I look at many things in life. You can find them delivering Winn's famous chocolate chip cookies or playing with my grandchildren in the front yard.

Winn and his late wife started a book that was just recently published called "Grandparenting on Purpose". It has wonderful insights on staying connected with your grandchildren, young and old, near and far. If you are interested on purchasing it, you can find it on Amazon. He also has a blog that discusses grandparenting issues.

We need more Diane and Winn's in this world!!!

This is Diane's family at their farm in Midway. I have always loved taking photos of their family at this beautiful farm overlooking the Heber Valley. With missions and college we were so excited to be able to get everyone together.

Utah Extended Family Photographer | Midway Utah

Diane and Winn

Utah Extended Family Photographer | Midway Utah
Utah Extended Family Photographer | Midway Utah
Utah Family Photographer | Midway Utah

Utah Family Photographer | Midway Utah
Utah Extended Family Photographer | Midway Utah
Utah Family Photographer | Midway Utah
Utah Family Photographer | Midway Utah
Utah Extended Family Photographer | Midway Utah

Utah Family Photographer | Midway Utah

Utah Family Photographer | Midway Utah

I would LOVE to work with you and and your family photography! Please contact me to book your Utah family session today! To view more of my work, follow me on Instagram or check out my Extended Family page.

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Hi I'm Lisa!

My everyday mission is to find joy and to spread joy.  It's not always easy, but I try my best!

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