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Family Photographers Near Me in Utah
Family Photographers Near Me in Utah
Photographer in Salt Lake City Utah
Photographer in Salt Lake City Utah
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Murray Park
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Photographer in Salt Lake City Utah
Private Land #1
Family Photographers Near Me in Utah
Photographer in Salt Lake City Utah
Family Photographers Near Me in Utah
Photographer in Salt Lake City Utah
Utah family photographer capturing bright, timeless, images full of light, life, and joy!
Site Title
Giving Back
LDS Church Service Missionary Photographer
"Give your hands to serve and your hearts to love." ~Mother Teresa
Family Photographers Near Me in Utah
Photographer in Salt Lake City Utah
I served as a Church Service Missionary - Photographer for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for four years. It is an unpaid position, but the blessings from my service are worth more than gold. I met the most incredible people and was told the most heart-warming stories during my tenure.
Because of my service my life will never be the same!

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