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  • Writer's pictureLisa

Happy New Year, Friends!!! | Utah Family Photographer

Wow! Where do I begin! I could go on about things you already know. Covid-19, loss of jobs, schools closed, loved ones dying, depression, uncertainty . . . !!!

However, I have chosen to focus on what was good in this past year. PEOPLE!

We all went through this together! NO ONE was sparred! But we did it together. We cried together and we laughed together. We learned more about ourselves and each other. We learned about strengths we never knew we had. And we learned to lean on each other more than ever. I learned what is truly important in life. There are a lot of things I can really do without. I learned how to cook again and really enjoy it. I learned how really important family is and how truly charitable my neighbors are! These are things I will never forget.

I learned that people are resilient and can survive many things and come out better in the end when we all stick together. But most importantly I learned to look up instead of out. My prayers changed and were much more frequent. I not only prayed for myself and my family but also my neighbors, my community, my country, and our world.

Here's to the happy faces of 2020. You indeed made me smile. I LOVE my job! I hope you know that. My Theme for 2021 is "Find Joy and Spread Joy! Thank you for the joy you passed on to me this past year! I hope you too can find your own joy and pass it on!

It would be a JOY to work with you and your family, senior, missionary, 8-year-old, or any other important photography! Please contact me to book your session today! To view more of my work, follow me on Instagram.

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Hi I'm Lisa!

My everyday mission is to find joy and to spread joy.  It's not always easy, but I try my best!
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